The regular annual meeting of the BioNet network was held in Shkodër, Albania in the period from November 25 to 18. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Center for the Environment from BiH, the Society for the Protection and Study of Birds of Serbia, the Association for Nature, Environment and sustainable development of the Sun and BIOM Association from Croatia, Young Researchers of Serbia, Montenegrin Society of Ecologists and Green Home from Montenegro, and representatives of the host association: Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania and INCA Albania.

The first two days of the meeting were devoted to the exchange of news and experiences, as well as the presentation of the association’s activities during the past year. The present members analyzed the strategic plan of the network and the possibilities of its improvement, and the focus of the meeting was also on the future activities of the network and possible joint projects.

Also, social networks and the BioNet website were presented, and guidelines for their improvement and further work were adopted.

On the last day of the meeting, a study visit to the protected area of ​​Lumu Buna Velipoja was organized, and its specificities and the problems they face were presented to us by partners from the organization Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania.

The next gathering of members of the BioNet network is scheduled for February next year, when work on strengthening internal capacities is planned.

PHOTO: Damir Trnovac


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