Forest beyond borders: a meeting held on Plitvice lake

Forest beyond borders: a meeting held on Plitvice lake

Forests beyond borders, the name and motto of the project that brings together partner organizations from the region in coordination with the EuroNatur foundation with the aim of surveying and mapping the remaining primary and old growth forests (PF/OGF) of the...
“Brown bear and us” educational boards installed

“Brown bear and us” educational boards installed

We all already know that the brown bear inhabits the wider area of ​​the urban core of the city of Banja Luka. Encounters with a bear on the outskirts of the city of Banja Luka are not rare, nor are the signs of the bear’s presence observed. Also, the damage...

Prevod je u pripremi i uskoro će biti dostupan.

Prevod je u pripremi i uskoro će biti dostupan.

Prevod je u pripremi i uskoro će biti dostupan.