What we do
Throughout its strategic planning process that took place in period 2019 – 2020, BioNET analysed and identified list of the priorities/issues that BioNET should address by its activities and programmes. On basis of the analysis and its findings, BioNET network members mutually discussed and agreed that following strategic priorities/issues will be addressed by BioNET efforts:
a) Network development
The network development includes continuous work on improvement and further development of the network’ structure, internal rules and procedures, membership, members’ capacity building, internal and external communication
b) Protected Areas
The protected areas include continuous work on increasing the number of the protected areas in the Western Balkans, as also improvement of its management. Nevertheless, specific themes in relation to the protected areas has been identified, but not limited to, such as invasive alien species, marine/land habitats and species loss.
c) Sustainable exploitation of natural resources
Sustainable exploitation of natural resources includes continuous work on promotion and usage of renewable energy, preventing/stopping the illegal hunting, overfishing and illegal fishing, sustainable forestry and wise wetland management.